Three Lives Of King Bharata, #2
We can note that the great soul Maharaj Bharata was able to give up his royal life and family to concentrate on the goal of spiritual perfection.
Unfortunately he became so attached to a living being in a deer body that he gave up all his spiritual practices.
At the time of death he was thinking only of the deer.
Whatever we are attached to at the time of death will result in being placed in a body to continue the attachments or desires.
If I become attached to the Supreme Person and think of Him at the time of death I return to the spiritual world in my spiritual form or body.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.8.27 Â At the time of death, the King saw that the deer was sitting by his side, exactly like his own son, and was lamenting his death. Actually the mind of the King was absorbed in the body of the deer, and consequently-like those bereft of Krishna consciousness-he left the world, the deer, and his material body and acquired the body of a deer. However, there was one advantage. Although he lost his human body and received the body of a deer, he did not forget the incidents of his past life.
Srimad-Bhagavatam  5.8.28  Although in the body of a deer, Bharata Maharaja, due to his rigid devotional service in his past life, could understand the cause of his birth in that body. Considering his past and present life, he constantly repented his activities, speaking in the following way.
Srimad-Bhagavatam  5.8.29  In the body of a deer, Bharata Maharaja began to lament: What misfortune! I have fallen from the path of the self-realized. I gave up my real sons, wife, and home to advance in spiritual life, and I took shelter in a solitary holy place in the forest. I became self-controlled and self-realized, and I engaged constantly in devotional service, hearing, thinking, chanting, worshiping, and remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva. I was successful in my attempt, so much so that my mind was always absorbed in devotional service. However, due to my personal foolishness, my mind again became attached-this time to a deer. Now I have obtained the body of a deer and have fallen far from my devotional practices.
Srimad-Bhagavatam  5.8.30 Although Bharata Maharaja received the body of a deer, by constant repentance he became completely detached from all material things. He did not disclose these things to anyone, but he left his mother deer in a place known as Kalanjara Mountain, where he was born. He again went to the forest of Salagrama and to the asrama of Pulastya and Pulaha.
Srimad-Bhagavatam  5.8.31  Remaining in that asrama, the great King Bharata Maharaja was now very careful not to fall victim to bad association. Without disclosing his past to anyone, he remained in that asrama and ate dry leaves only. He was not exactly alone, for he had the association of the Supersoul. In this way he waited for death in the body of a deer. Bathing in that holy place, he finally gave up that body.
In his next life, Maharaja Bharata is born into a pure family of the highest order and retains his memory of his previous lives as a benediction for his previous spiritual efforts.
Tres vidas del rey Bharata, #2
Podemos notar que la gran alma Maharaj Bharata pudo renunciar a su vida real y su familia para concentrarse en la meta de la perfección espiritual.
Desafortunadamente, se apegó tanto a un ser vivo en un cuerpo de ciervo que abandonó todas sus prácticas espirituales.
En el momento de la muerte estaba pensando sólo en el venado.
Cualquier cosa a la que estemos apegados en el momento de la muerte resultará en ser colocados en un cuerpo para continuar con los apegos o deseos.
Si me apego a la Persona Suprema y pienso en Él en el momento de la muerte, regreso al mundo espiritual en mi forma o cuerpo espiritual.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.8.27 En el momento de la muerte, el rey vio que el ciervo estaba sentado a su lado, exactamente como su propio hijo, y lamentaba su muerte. En realidad, la mente del rey estaba absorta en el cuerpo del ciervo y, en consecuencia, como aquellos privados de la conciencia de Krishna, dejó el mundo, el ciervo y su cuerpo material y adquirió el cuerpo de un ciervo. Sin embargo, habÃa una ventaja. Aunque perdió su cuerpo humano y recibió el cuerpo de un ciervo, no olvidó los incidentes de su vida pasada.
Srimad-Bhagavatam  5.8.28  Aunque en el cuerpo de un ciervo, Bharata Maharaja, debido a su rÃgido servicio devocional en su vida pasada, pudo entender la causa de su nacimiento en ese cuerpo. Considerando su vida pasada y presente, constantemente se arrepintió de sus actividades, hablando de la siguiente manera.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.8.29 En el cuerpo de un ciervo, Bharata Maharaja comenzó a lamentarse: ¡Qué desgracia! He caÃdo del camino de la autorrealización. Renuncié a mis verdaderos hijos, esposa y hogar para avanzar en la vida espiritual, y me refugié en un lugar sagrado y solitario en el bosque. Me volvà autocontrolado y autorrealizado, y me ocupé constantemente en el servicio devocional, escuchando, pensando, cantando, adorando y recordando a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, Vasudeva. Tuve éxito en mi intento, tanto que mi mente siempre estaba absorta en el servicio devocional. Sin embargo, debido a mi estupidez personal, mi mente volvió a apegarse, esta vez a un ciervo. Ahora he obtenido el cuerpo de un ciervo y me he alejado de mis prácticas devocionales.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.8.30 Aunque Bharata Maharaja recibió el cuerpo de un ciervo, debido al arrepentimiento constante, se desapegó por completo de todas las cosas materiales. No reveló estas cosas a nadie, pero dejó a su madre ciervo en un lugar conocido como la montaña Kalanjara, donde nació. De nuevo fue al bosque de Salagrama y al asrama de Pulastya y Pulaha.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.8.31 Permaneciendo en ese asrama, el gran rey Bharata Maharaja ahora tenÃa mucho cuidado de no ser vÃctima de malas compañÃas. Sin revelar su pasado a nadie, permaneció en ese asrama y comió solo hojas secas. No estaba exactamente solo, pues tenÃa la asociación de la Superalma. De esta manera esperó la muerte en el cuerpo de un ciervo. Al bañarse en ese lugar sagrado, finalmente entregó ese cuerpo.
En su próxima vida, Maharaja Bharata nace en una familia pura del más alto nivel y conserva la memoria de sus vidas anteriores como una bendición por sus esfuerzos espirituales anteriores.
Thank you, Sahadev. Of course, to fully appreciate this story, one has to understand the science of identity, that our true identity is spiritual, not the temporary earthly form. Developing God consciousness, frees one from accepting repeated material forms ….if one takes shelter in his original spiritual relationship of love with the Supreme Person, which Maharaj Bharat forgot.